Last Call
Matamoras Volunteer Fire Departments

About Us

The Ladies Auxiliary of the MVFD

News and Stories pt 1

News and Stories pt 2

News and Stories pt 3

Mr. Fireman

Last Call

photo archives 1

photo archives 2

Historical Land Mark Fire

Fire Safety

Using 911

Contact Page

Guest Book

Code Amber Imformation Site


To All the Other Officers and Members that have gone ahead of us! You will never be forgotten.

If you know a past member who has left us and would like to add there name please let us know or if you are from another Firedepartment and would like to have a fellow fire fighter listed please feel free to email me and I would be more than Happy to include there name and sation.


A Firefighter's Pledge

I promise concern for others. A willingness to help all those in need.

I promise courage - courage to face and conquer my fears. Courage to share and endure the ordeal of those who need me.

 I promise strength - strength of heart to bear whatever burdens might be placed upon me. Strength of body to deliver to safety all those placed within my care.

I promise the wisdom to lead, the compassion to comfort, and the love to serve unselfishly whenever I am called.

fire fighter picture, fire fighter collectible, fire fighter t shirt, fire fighter gift

Station 32

William J. Zenes - Past Chief and Past President, and Fire Police of Matamoras Fire Department

Hank Alexander-a associate member

CONRAD C. MASON-a life member of the Matamoras Fire Department

MAYOR JOSEPH W. RICCIARDI- a life member of The Matamoras Fire Department




Abe DeGroat  Past Chief

Francis Smith

Frank Scales

Vince Hicks treasurer for years

Don Decker  Past Chief

EJ Jost   Past Chief

Alan Garms  Past Chief

Harry Mack

Clevland Vandervort

Roman Korowski

Roy Cleavland

Steve Hallock

Mr Weintz

Earnie Gasmeyer


Past Ladies Aux Member

Mable Zenes Aux Past President
Nina Clevland Aux
Bunny Weintz

         Myra A. Stone

Fellow Firefighter's From Port Jervis Fire Department

Rick Drew

Arron Santiago

George Mills Sr  Pops

Kevin McKeon

Bill Haggerty

Harold Dunn


Fellow Firefighter's From Sparrowbush Fire Department

Vinnie Inella

Fellow Firefighter's From Huguenot Fire Deparment

Curt Krieger






I would like to thank Cathy Kaufman for her help with the names of past members to we pay tribute to.