'Mr. Fire Department' mourned
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Matamoras, Pa.  They courted in the halls of Matamoras High School, got engaged on graduation day and later married in the Hope Evangelical Free Church. The romance between Fred and Donna DeGroat may have begun as a crush, but it ended up lasting a lifetime.
Almost 45 years later, Donna sat in the same church, this time to say goodbye to the man she called her best friend. But she certainly wasn't alone. Hundreds of people showed up yesterday to say farewell to Fred DeGroat, a community leader who died on Nov. 10, after battling emphysema.
"My husband would do anything for anyone," said Donna, several days after his death. "We would have celebrated our 45th anniversary on the eleventh, just one day after his death.
"I just figured he didn't want to buy me a card," Donna joked through her tears.
Fred DeGroat was given a true firefighter's send-off yesterday to honor his decades of service. The ever-swelling crowd was dotted with members of several fire companies, including Westfall, Mill Rift, Port Jervis, N.Y., and Matamoras.
Many said DeGroat's dedication to firefighting was endless. If it had anything to do with firefighting, Fred was involved somehow, they said. Some even called him "Mr. Matamoras Fire Department."
During his 66 years, DeGroat had served as fire chief and president of the Matamoras Volunteer Fire Department, president of the Pike County Fireman Federation Association and director of Matamoras Emergency Management.
"Fred was always the doer in the family," said Donna, a smile passing over her lips. "He was always involved in this, that and the other thing.
"I think he was just a hardhead that wanted things his way," joked his wife. "But normally he turned out to be right."



A Fire Chief's Prayer   Author Unknown   I am called to many duties Lord and now I've been called home. I've had to leave the ones I love To stand before your throne. I'll not complain, its not my way But there are some things I'll ask. And please , Lord, grant them to me For the loved ones I hold fast. I dare to ask because I know How you've blessed in the past. I've learned to trust in your grace, O Lord That's how I've come this far. So now, O God, I humbly pray Hear this Fire Chief's prayer.

Bless my wife and family -- so often left alone, They knew where I was going and Trusted you to bring me home. Well, now I'm home and wait for them Keep them within the faith -- that one day, Someday, we'll be together in this place. And O dear God, bless my men I trained them as best I could. I tried to do your will with them and lead them as you would.

I need to know your with them Lord Or else how can I stay And peacefully enjoy this place of endless day. This heaven where there is no night No fire to kill and burn I guess that's why its now my rest, my place, my turn. And Lord, be with my community And keep it safe as it can be For all its folks are special, and very dear to me.

They are all my friends, and by your grace I served them as best I could. So hear this Fire Chief's prayer, O Lord And grant it please -- I already knew you would. Amen

"In Our Prayers"




This page is dedicated to our friend, Past Chief, and Past President, of Matamoras Fire Department