The Ladies Auxiliary
Matamoras Volunteer Fire Departments

About Us

The Ladies Auxiliary of the MVFD

News and Stories pt 1

News and Stories pt 2

News and Stories pt 3

Mr. Fireman

Last Call

photo archives 1

photo archives 2

Historical Land Mark Fire

Fire Safety

Using 911

Contact Page

Guest Book

Code Amber Imformation Site


We are looking for volunteers to join us in supporting the Fire Department with various fundraisers.

*Protect your family*
*Help our community*

Support your local volunteer fire department.

The Ladies Auxiliary was formed on January 28, 1958 with 26 members present. During the last forty-three years, the ladies have had several fundraisers from Bingo, Pumper Teams, Quilt Raffles,  Our city is growing rapidly and we are still a volunteer department with men holding down jobs to support their families, any spare time is used for the department for Fire & EMS protection and training.
Please give your community some of your time and join us!!
All monies collected are used to purchase equipment for the fire department to help them protect you and your family.

Ladies Fire Department Auxiliary-Recognized as the FIRST Ladies Auxiliary in the United States 

( How The Ladies Auxiliary First Got Started)


On December 1, 1920 the Capitol Heights Volunteer Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary was organized. Mrs. Dora Quill, after having an argument with her husband about him spending too much time at the firehouse," sparked the change. Mr. Quill’s response to his wife was why don’t you start a Fire Department of your own, then you will know what it is all about. After such a prompting Mrs. Quill mobilized the women of the Capitol Heights community to form what is now the Capitol Heights Volunteer Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary. The Capitol Heights Volunteer Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary has the distinction of being the first organized fire department ladies auxiliary in the United States and the world. Mrs. Irene Connor served as the auxiliary's first president.

When organized they had 12 charter members: Mrs. Dora Quill, Organizer; Mrs. Irene A. Conner, President; Mrs. Marie Davis, Vice President; Mrs. Clara Bryan, Treasurer; Miss Freida Fankhouser, Secretary; Mrs. Minnie Nuthall; Mrs. Alice Maguire; Mrs. Evelyn Jacobs; Mrs. Elenore Noel; Mrs. Lulu Miller; and Mrs. Annie Pierce.

The organization served to support the fire department and to raise funds. Becoming just as active as the men, they arranged their own meeting nights and began holding regular fund raising events to support the department. Some of the activities included: lunches, bake sales, card parties, dinners, and assisting the men at the carnivals and meetings.

Among some of their earliest contributions to the department were funds for the new firehouse building in 1932 and a siren to replace the out dated bell system in 1934.

With the onset of World War II the department faced a shortage of men; about 40 members of the Capitol Heights personnel were called into service. During this period of understaffing the department instituted the recruitment of junior members and trained the ladies auxiliary to assist in firefighting. After the war the ladies welcomed their men home with a party in June of 1946.


  A Fireman's Wife

A special kind of woman; a cut above the rest,
That's a FIREFIGHTER'S WIFE, rating her amoung the best.
How many goodbyes are shouted, without a fond embrace,
As duty steals her man, for the danger he must face.
How many meals are ruined--or tender moments disturbed,
By the wail of a distant signal, sparking loyalty unswerved.
It's a devil of a job, for an angel like this,
Who...for the love of her man, must forsake that kiss.
She can run a garden tractor; even paint a room in need,
How she can stretch a dollar is a miracle indeed.
She's mother, lover, chauffer, and nurse,
A living symbol of: "for better or worse."
Rich is the man, reaping his rewards in life,
Who choose to be the other half of A FIREMAN'S WIFE

A Fireman's Wife


Sometimes it's hard to understand

what a Fireman has to gain

Spending so much time at the station

while his family time seems to wane.

They often hold meeting after meeting,

training sessions here and there;

Work details and fundraisers too,

tension is often felt in the air.

"Lord, help us please to understand

just what it's all about,"

And with those words He told us all

beyond a shaddow of a doubt;

For it happened on a Saturday morn

when the firemen received a call,

Where a man suffered from electrocution

12,000 volts, they say in all.

As I arrived, I saw him there

draped lifelessly across the tower,

God only Your love can give them strength

in this crucial hour.

While two men held him so he wouldn't fall

and another man took control,

They risked their own for another man's life

and by God's grace they attained their goal;

For it was only a matter of time till they lowered him

where on a back-board he was bound,

And with numerous hands he was lowered again

to an Ambulance Crew on the ground.

From that point on the firemen had done

all they were able to do,

And as I watched I couldn't help but feel

the pain they too, had been through.

There isn't enough training that prepares them

for what life has in store,

I pray Dear God You,ll prepare their hearts

each time they pass through the station's doors;

A place where lives are being transformed

for what a Fireman's called to do,

Where Faith's increased and hearts made strong

for the trials they must go through.

And the next time they're called to duty God

for meetings, training, or to save a persons property or life,

Please give us Strength, Love, and Hope it takes

to be a Fireman's Wife.




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The pager makes it's beeping noise,
The scanner comes to life.
You see excitement on his face
As he goes off to fight.

No matter what you're doing
Or whatever the current plan,
All you can say is "Later Hon"
As he gets those keys in hand.

You say a little prayer
That God will keep him safe,
That with all the pride and bravery
No one will make a mistake.

You know those men are Brothers
And fiercely will protect
The lives of each other and others--
They will truly give their best!

You and your "man's best friend"
Are both loyal and true.
You keep each other company
Waiting for him to return to you.

And when that front door opens
With "Honey I'm home" again,
You thank the Lord he's back OK,
Your brave and strong Fireman




Please join us!
Remember - Your fire department is a reflection of your community


This Site Is Maintained By April Masker