Welcome to Matamoras Volunteer Fire Departments Web Site.
Matamoras Volunteer Fire Departments

About Us

The Ladies Auxiliary of the MVFD

News and Stories pt 1

News and Stories pt 2

News and Stories pt 3

Mr. Fireman

Last Call

photo archives 1

photo archives 2

Historical Land Mark Fire

Fire Safety

Using 911

Contact Page

Guest Book

Code Amber Imformation Site



Please take a few moments of your time to visit a trully wonderful site called " Fire's Through Out Time" It is amazing.


We hope that this page will not only be informative, but also give you an understanding of the pride that we have in our company. If you take a look in the " about us" section, you can learn  about the history of the MVFD as well as the current " members" that man the station. In our " Fire Prevention " section, see if you and your family are ready if a fire ever breaks out in your home. Our " Links" section gives some ideas of other sites to see. Be sure to visit our " Photo" gallery to see the equipment and our station. Last but not least our " News" and "Events" section will keep you up to date on the happenings of the MVFD, such as upcoming events  Please stop back by to see any changes that have been made. We like to keep our site fresh by adding new and interesting things for you. Thank you again for stopping bye!



Non emergency Phone Number-(570) 491-4154

or Dial




We proudly display the Code Amber Banner




Send an email

This page created and maintained by Volunteer Firefighter April K. Masker